
Get Out the Message

This page is under construction.

Once completed, this page will have ways you can get out the message including templates for letters to the editor, messages to your elected officials and more!


What You Can Do

  • On January 8th, we need to stand in solidarity for opening day of session
  • Look over our petition and sign
  • Write a letter to the editor and implore people to go to the assembly sessions where gun control will be discussed
  • Return to the capitol after the 8th to show the assembly we disapprove of gun control
  • Follow us on Facebook and tell your friends about us. We will keep you up to date on what the VA Assembly is doing

  1. Call your county Sheriff
  2. Use your 1st Amendment Right: Assemble during Virginia State Legislative discussions
  3. On January 8th, opening day of session, show your disapproval by
  4. Formal petition to take Gun Control Resolution off the 2020 Assembly Discussions
  5. Letters to the editor